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Who are we?

Your Next Marketing Agency

We’re passionate sales and marketing professionals, where clients enjoy the benefits of dealing with one marketing agency for all their sales and marketing needs.

The History of Grow Orange and Orange Marketing

Orange Marketing was set up by Lynne in 2012.  Working within the accommodation sector, she saw a gap in the market for many who set up their website and booking systems but were not measuring the potential marketing power of their tools.  As Lynne's team and Network grew, she worked with more and more clients in the marketing space and has now been in operation sharing her marketing vision with clients around NZ for the past 11 years.

Grow Orange was set up in 2020 (the year that saw many changes in the way that businesses operate).  Grow Orange encompasses both marketing strategies and marketing support.   Understanding that all marketing needs a solid strategy, Lynne has created a series of road maps and marketing plans for her clients.

2023 saw the collaboration other business partners, and set up One Umbrella Limited  

This enables us to assist our clients with more than marketing and now have a Finance, PR, HR and Business Coaches available to help our clients.

You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one - John Lennon

I started my first business when I was 9 years old.  All I wanted was a camera and Mum and Dad suggested that I sold them eggs.  So I purchased some hens and their feed and ran a full profit and loss spreadsheet.  (Mum had a passion for accounting) and after some time I saved up the $43.00 dollars I needed to purchase my first camera.  I also remember painting rocks one Summer Holidays with the intention of selling them at the end of the road.   It is now on reflection that I am aware, that I have always been resourceful and business focused.  It has often been remarked upon that in my working career there are not many industries that I haven't had some experience in or around.  All of my work and life skills allow me to coach and teach business ideals.  

“There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

At the age of 9, the local librarian suggested to Chris that he went to the Adult Library and asked them for a copy of the Lord of the Rings, and to this day he has re-read these books every year.  His love of reading and writing will lead him to write a fantasy novel one day... and we all wait in anticipation.

Chris has joined the Orange Team to help bring structure to Lynne's creative flow.  He has great credentials.  Not only has he been working in the IT field for the past 30+ years he is married to Lynne and therefore should be able to read her mind (or finish her half-said sentences)

Being a business owner in 2022

There are many areas that I am passionate about and you will see me getting up on my soapbox and having a great rant.  I don't just rant though, I also step up and help where possible.  As a former pre-school teacher and a mother (and now grandmother), I have always been passionate about working with our little people.  The vision that they have is amazing and looking through their lens what we see is unique and very special.  

Every year we create Christmas for a family through the Salvation Army - and will continue to do this.  It gives us such joy to buy for a family and ensure that those kids get some special treats.  And for the past 3 years, I have been on the Hutt Valley Riding for the Disabled Board. Reluctantly I am giving up this position this year, but will continue to help them out on a volunteer basis.  
With a strong passion for the young generations, our company is going to continue to work and donate to child focused charities.